IV-11 DCF, melody with date, weekday and wireless temperature.
For outside Europe and for all with no DCF signal is a GPS receiver available. Here 12h displaying time adjustable
The construction of the IV-3A 9 segment weekday display requires good soldering skills. Not for beginners.
For the version with wireless temperature there is a new motherboard. The 433 Mhz receiver is onboard.
MCU PCB size 235mm x 70mm
Youtube video version 3 for Assembling, here
The power supply is a switching power adapter AC 100 - 240V DC 12V 1.2A. Power consumption including all components 12V 480mA.
A DC-DC step-up is for the supply voltage of the VFD tubes. The voltage can be adjusted from approx. 42 Volt - 48 Volt.
The AC voltage for heating, filament, is generated with an IR2155. The frequency is adjustable via trimmer for the VFD tubes.
A flicker of the VFD tubes can be eliminated.
The inrush current is controlled via a soft-start circuit with Power MosFet.
The MCU PCB is for DCF77 input, also for GPS to DCF77 receiver.
Below the IV-11 tubes are RGB Led's. These have a slow color change.
The connections for the display PCB are realized via pin headers. So the motherboard can also be used as a controller for your own project.
LM393 light sensitive module for day and night. Adjustable with trimmer. The voltage for the tubes is reduced to 7.5V - 9.1 V and the blue LED below the tubes are also darker.
In base version date is displayed to the IV-11 tubes each 10 seconds. This can also be deactivated.
If there is the extension kit, IV-18, the date will be displayed on 8 segment. Standard is Day, Month, Year. This can be changed.
For IV-18 tube it is possible to display temperature. This will change display date and temperature each 10 seconds.
Displaying day of the week with IV-26 7 point tube.
The label is a transparent adhesive strip.
Displaying day of the week with 2 x IV-3 9 segment tube.
MP3 Soundmodule
Each full hour and also ¼, ½, ¾ the sound module receives a signal and plays a Mp3 file. The file is stored on micro SD card.
Standart announcement is voice for full hour, 1 gong signal for ¼, 2 gong for ½ and 3 gong for ¾.
With the inclided USB stick you can make your own sound or signal for SD card. Possiblae original Big Ben sound.
Big Ben sound is available, please contact me.
The following kits can be ordered.
1. Basic 6 x IV-11 tubes all parts incl. power adapter + DCFReceiver
2. Basic 4 x IV-11 and 2 x IV-6 tubes parts incl. power adapter + DCFReceiver
Alternate for the DCF receiver the GPS module is available.
Upgrade kits are, Soundmodule, IV-18 8 digit for Date, IV-3 9 segment for Weekday and wireless temperature via 433Mhz.
Additional acrylic housing.
For price look at the order page, here
Circiut and assembly instructions, here